Probably the most popular and admired mythical bird in the world, the Phoenix, could be the perfect choice for your company or business logo. With centuries of history and a great impact upon human emotions, the Phoenix logo can upgrade your business game in a way you wouldn’t expect. What you choose as a logo for your company can have a great impact on your future clients and business partners, so you need to make a wise choice. The perfect logo should emphasize correctly the main characteristics of your business, as well as your business strengths. Read below to decide whether the Phoenix is the right choice for your business.
Phoenix Logo – The myth of the immortal bird
It is quite hard to track down the very first appearance of the Phoenix myth back in history. That is mainly because, the myth of the fire bird is found in so many different cultures. Actually, in one form or another, the Phoenix is found in Egyptian, Christian, Judaic, Greek, Roman and Asian mythology.
In the ancient Egypt, the mystical bird was called Bennu. This was a solar bird that was believed to live up to 500-1000 years, then burn to ashes and later resurrect from its own ashes. The bird would then create an egg from the ashes and bring it to Heliopolis, the city on the Sun. It is believed that the Greeks later borrowed a lot fort the Egyptian myth of Bennu, and developed the myth of Phoenix bird.
In Asian mythology, the Phoenix is the bird of the birds, the highest in rang, the one that dominates them all. It is therefore a symbol for domination, leadership and, of course, power. It was believed to have protective powers; therefore it was painted on the outdoor ceramic of the palace and temples, in order to guard it against beasts.
Phoenix bird was a good representation of the feminine grace, and it would suggest the great qualities of the Empress.
Christians incorporated the myth of Phoenix in regard to the Christ resurrection. Representations of the beautiful bird can be seen on early Christian’s graves. In Judaism, there is a legend that tells about Milcham, an immortal bird. The legend tells that after Eve sinned by eating form the forbidden fruit, she tried to tempt other animals to take a bite. All of them felt in temptation, except one bird, the Milcham. Because it didn’t sin, the bird was not touched by the death and kept living for eternity.
In Roman history, the phoenix was much appreciated. In order to symbolize the longevity and the rebirth of the Empire, the Romans used phoenix on their coins.
Phoenix Logo – Symbolism
As you probably already know, phoenix is a very strong symbol for resurrection, rebirth, immortality, and transformation. With its breathtaking and hypnotizing beauty, it managed to fascinate the humans for centuries, caring the same power up until the present days.
The magic bird is able to break the rules of time and life. After a fulfilling life of 500 to 1000 years, the phoenix bird will burn to ashes, only to rise from its own ashes in flames, young and stronger. The cycle will repeat endlessly, that is why it is such a great symbol of resurrection, longevity and immortality. The phoenix cannot be defeated, for it will simply rise again and again, always stronger. Use the phoenix logo to emphasize the longevity of your company, and its great ability to adapt and overcome obstacles with grace.
The phoenix it is also a great symbol for purity, clarity and grace. Its wings are covered with fire, and fire is well known for its purifying proprieties. You could consider the phoenix logo suitable in order to show up your high and strong moral principles that you apply in your business. This will help you gain the trust and appreciation of clients and business partners.
A great symbol for the power to transform, the phoenix used in your logo, could suggest that your business is able to transform people’s lives. Or it could mean that your company will always be ready to transform to better satisfy your clients needs. The phoenix is also the immortal bird. You could use that to show your partners and investors that your business is reliable and trustworthy.
Not lastly, phoenix is a great symbol of protection and power. It was believed to have control upon all other animals and to be able to protect entire cities. Using a phoenix in your logo, could be great if you have a business that implies giving or assuring protection. It will also suggest that clients and partners should feel protected when closing a deal with your company. Of course, due to its outstanding and fascinating aesthetics, the phoenix is a great symbol for creativity. Just like the bird, the creative process is eternal and it will never disappear.
Phoenix Logo for your business
If you like the idea of having a phoenix logo, but you don’t know if it is suitable for your business, below we will suggest a couple of business branches where this will fit just right. If you are running an online business providing defense against viruses or hackers, or you provide web security services, the phoenix symbol will suggest that you are capable to go all the way in order to do your job. The phoenix logo it is also very good as a symbol for schools and universities. Being a symbol of eternal creativity, it could emphasize the fact that the knowledge is everlasting and the most powerful force.

Due to its ability to change its state again and again, the mystical bird is a suitable symbol for alchemy. You could use that if your business has to do with chemical processes. Feel free to choose the phoenix as your logo in order to show that your business is reliable, trustworthy, creative, determined, with a powerful strategy and better than all the rest. A phoenix logo can uplift your business reputation and help you raise profits. Some business and industry branches were the phoenix logo would fit the best are: online security, education, arts, start-up businesses, oil and gas businesses, etc.
The phoenix bird is loved for its grace, power and inspiring message. Show everyone that your business is just as strong as a phoenix, and be ready to rise too success with grace.